



1  Conversations with the Body by Gilad Ben Ari, March 8, 2023

i cassetti - to be filled with dreams. A workshop project conceptualised by Giorgia Minisini and An Paenhuysen, 2021. A limited edition of four originals.

3 Iole and the Apartment, with photographs and handwritten excerpts of interviews conducted by Giorgia Minisini and An Paenhuysen, 2020. Bookbinding by Markus Rottmann, Berlin

4 What happens when dancing and writing meet? G.G.A. Minisini Residency presented the publication Residency with a Schedule. A Creative Holiday for Dancers and Writers by Eve Ganneau, Giorgia Minisini and An Paenhuysen during an introductionary workshop on Sunday October 20, 2019 at 2pm. Meeting point was the outdoor Cafe Hasenschänke in the middle of Hasenheide Park.


Conversations with the Body

A performative talk by Gilad Ben Ari, March 8, 2023, Galeria SpazioCorteQuattro, Cividale del Friuli

How do we answer the questions asked by our bodies? What role do we entrust to the sensitive and embodied experience? How can the body become the main vehicle of an artistic and a human journey? In Ben Ari's practice, the experience of the living body, usually neglected by most or even forgotten, is the very essence of the research: the "animal" dimension of the human, the primal adherence to the senses and perceptions, to the movement that emerges spontaneously, are all that he asks us to pay attention to, all that really exists. How much effort, how much time, how much listening can we offer to our bodies that are none other than us?

Gilad Ben Ari is a performer and dancer. For more than twenty years he has been dancing professionally, first in Tel Aviv in the Batsheva Ensemble, then in Brussels where he studied dance and choreography at P.A.R.T.S. and finally in Amsterdam, where he received a Master's degree at Das Choreography.  In 2015 he embarked on a 4000 km journey on foot, from Turkey to the Netherlands, which was followed by the decision to move away from institutional contexts to favor his personal research on the mechanics of attention. 

Since 2015, Giorgia Minisini has invited friends and colleagues to join her in Cividale del Friuli. These visits took the form of residencies. Some residencies were directed towards specific practices like qi gong, shiatsu, Feldenkrais, dance. Some were for writing and exploring in the vicinity of other thinking bodies. Some were for resting.

Former residents were:

Gilad Ben Ari (Greece) - shiatsu  and dance
Marco Benozzi (UK) - video
Marie Chabert (UK) - dance and yoga
Camilla Crispino (Italy) - somatic research and education
Jean-Baptiste Fave (France) - video and sound
Eve Ganneau (France) - Feldenkrais and dance
Roberto Mancuso (Italy) - photography
Caterina Marzoli (Italy) - physiotherapy and Feldenkrais
Rosalind Masson (UK) - dance and choreography
Letizia Monea (Italy) - dance and yoga
An Paenhuysen ( Germany) - curating and writing
Cristina Pertoldi (Italy) - yoga and gong master
Eryn Rosenthal (USA) -  investigative choreography and social practices
Paulina Ruiz Carballido (France/Mexico) - dance and choreography
Stéphane Kamesh Seckin (Germany) - qi gong and kung fu master

During some residencies a book came about:

Residency, July 2021

“Una vita in vacanza” (a dream by Rob in I cassetti)

It is always nice to have a container for thoughts and ideas and dreams. This container can be a notebook, but it can also be a box. For example, the time capsules of Andy Warhol. In the archive of the Minisini Pharmacy we found some old drawers that date back to the 1930s: i cassetti. We cleaned and restored them, decorating their interior with some laminated colours. We then took photos of each box and created the booklets in July 2021. The friendship books are given to guests who are invited to fill a box with a dream.

Residency, September 2020

“The apartment was like a dress. It was part of her character.” 

A visual story on Iole Gobitti Minisini (1917 - 2013) and her apartment came about in September 2020. It was written by her granddaughter Giorgia Minisini and visiting resident An Paenhuysen to commemorate Iole and celebrate the location of G.G.A. Minisini Residency in Iole's Apt #1, Largo Boiani 15, 33043 Cividale del Friuli. The stories are based on interviews conducted by Giorgia and An with family members, staff and friends of Iole. The book is printed in a limited edition of 30 copies.

Residency, September 2019

“Make a poem in the landscape by the use of your body.”

During the residency at the G.G.A. Minisini Residency in Cividale del Friuli in September 2019 two dancers, Eve Ganneau and Giorgia Minisini, and a writer, An Paenhuysen, met. They conceptualised exercises in which writing and dancing meet. These are documented in a publication Residency with a Schedule. A Creative Holiday for Dancers and Writers.

The schedule has 4 elements:
1. Studio time
2. Excursions
3. Table conversations
4. Reflection time

If you are going on a residency and you need a schedule, this is the perfect book. But even in the everyday, these are exercises for everyone who is interested in embodied writing, expanding writing, using the body, etc...  Each publication is unique, colored-in and stamped. The photos were developed by Foto Color Marcuzzi and the original Fabriano paper was purchased in the Libreria Muner, Cividale del Friuli.